What to grow in January | Veg seeds for winter planting

To accompany my video What to sow in January – 7 Easy to grow crops I’ve made a resource list with links to the varieties discussed.

I was asked to make a video to answer what can I sow in January? Therefore, here are some of the veg seeds to sow in January for continued harvesting throughout the year. In the video I also include some gardening tips for January.

If you wonder which seeds to sow in winter in UK or what vegetables can I plant in January, here are a few ideas. Where you live in the country is going to make a huge difference to what you can sow. And also whether you have access to a warm growing space, like a heated greenhouse, will also make a difference. But there are some seeds that you can sow into a cold greenhouse or cold frame. To clarify for context, we live in the equivalent of US Hardiness Zone 8. Don’t forget that you will need to adjust sowing times to reflect the area in which you live.

Veg seeds for January sowing under cover or with some warmth.

Broad bean The Sutton

Aubergine Listade de Gandia These will need some heat. Start these in a heated propagator.

Carrots Amsterdam Forcing

Cauliflower All The Year Round for a summer crop of cauliflower heads.

Cabbage Greyhound

Onion seeds Various These will need some heat. Start these in a heated propagator.

Shallot seeds Various These will also need some heat and can be started in a heated propagator.

Peas Kelvedon Wonder

Kale Red Russian

Mustard leaves Red Frills

Corn salad Lambs Lettuce

A basic cold frame is easy to make. Use 4 pieces of wood fixed together in the corners with a sheet of glass or rigid plastic over the top of it. Alternatively, you can use pieces of twin wall polycarbonate sheeting. This is usually enough to offer some shelter to seedlings of hardier varieties and veg plants in winter.

Each month I publish a video guide of what to sow in that particular month. I have also compiled an at-a-glance guide with links of where the seeds can be purchased (as at January 2020). I have listed seed sources for UK. At Byther Farm we grow most of the fruit and vegetables we need to feed our small family each year. I also run a small veg box scheme.

In addition, a full list of all the productive plants, fruit, vegetables and herbs is on the page what we grow.

About the author of this article – What to sow in January

Liz works full time on the homestead, Byther Farm, and as a content creator in various media. Her love of gardening started as a small child, but blossomed when she left home. In her own garden, she found joy in propagating plants and growing food for her family. At her happiest when pottering in the garden, Liz now manages a half acre food forest as well as the fruit and vegetable gardens on the family home in Carmarthenshire. Her first book, Grounded – A Gardener’s Journey to Abundance and Self-Sufficiency is published in February 2021. She is currently writing her next book.

Liz Zorab

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