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Hwb y Gors Seed Swap
Join us on 8th March 2025, 10am to 12 noon, at Cwm Gors Community Centre, SA18 1PS.
The aim is to give the local community better access to seeds and to share locally grown seeds.
- Please bring any spare seeds, seedlings, plants or clean plant pots.
- Nothing to bring? No worries, come along anyway!
- Book stall.
- Refreshments available.
- Talk by Liz Zorab.
- Small donations welcome to help cost of room hire.

Visit our Award Winning YouTube Channel
Garden Media Guild Awards 2022 Vlog of the Year . Liz Zorab – Byther Farm.
The judges said –

“The winner’s style is approachable and engaging, yet practical. The videos are memorable and enjoyable to watch as well as conveying useful information, structured in a way that makes it easy to understand. The winner has a gentle presenting style, but a clear sense of personality emerges through what feels like a one-on-one chat and their message of self-sufficient and sustainable growing is both aspirational and inspirational for today’s gardeners.”
The latest from the Blog

White garden, autumn flowers
Create a white garden with autumn flowers and enjoy both the simplicity and, at the same time, the complexity of the planting combinations…

Winning colour plants
Winning colour plants including bronze, silver and gold flowering plants. Inspired by the 30th summer Olympic Games (26th July – 11th August 2024)…

Vegetable Garden in January
The vegetable garden in January is a delightful place. For most of the month the weather is too cold or wet to do…

Flowers with scented leaves
Summer flowers are even better with scented leaves. I think there is nothing nicer than a stroll through a garden. Whether it’s my…

Hi there!
I’m Liz
a gardener, homesteader, author and video creator. Together with my husband, Mr J, we share our journey to self-sufficiency. Growing vegetables, fruit and herbs, as well as flower gardening, and living a more sustainable life.
Read more…

Liz Zorab in the media
Byther Farm and Liz Zorab can be found on most social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Threads and YouTube. Throughout each week, different information and stories are shared on the different platforms.
In August 2024, we featured on BBC Gardeners’ World, showing the vegetable garden at Byther Farm and some of the ways Liz gardens with nature in mind. She appears regularly on BBC Radio Wales in a monthly gardening advice hour.
Liz writes articles for national publications like Amateur Gardening magazine and international titles, such as Permaculture magazine.
And she regularly appears as a guest in other creators’ videos and on podcasts from across the globe. Including Joe Gardener and Epic Gardening.
Byther Farm visits
Unless attending a course on site, Byther Farm is not open to the public and does not currently hold open days. However, visits may pre-arranged on special occasions, contact us with a request.

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