Self Sufficiency for Beginners

self sufficiency for beginners workshop

Our Self-sufficiency for Beginners Workshop is a practical and hands-on day to give you an introduction to self-sufficiency in food, understand how that might work for you in your garden and feel comfortable with your next steps towards self-sufficiency.

Some gardening experience is assumed, this is NOT a beginner’s gardening course.

‘Great workshop and tour of your garden, so many ideas and lots of inspiration, thank you Liz’ – Susan


Wednesday 21st August 2024


£95 per person or £80 low income

The aim of the workshop is to help you

  • Decide what self-sufficiency means for you
  • Calculate your approximate food needs
  • Understand how you can meet those needs in your garden
  • Plan for year-round growing
  • Explore ways to store your harvests
  • Eat seasonally from fresh and stored food.

The Self-sufficiency for Beginners Workshop will be led by Liz Zorab and will include a tour of the productive areas of Byther Farm.

For more information and to book your place, click the link below.

Maximum of participants per workshop. 12